Tuesday, March 3, 2009

October 29, 2006

Hey folks. It has been a while since I have been able to update this thing. Between work and school I haven't really had much time and for some strange reason the time that I do have I spend stressing about one of those two things. I have written 5 papers (6-8 pages long) in the last two weeks!!! Aside from that work has been pretty taxing. We only get paid once a month and somehow they did not get my paperwork in on time for me to get paid this month so that means there is a whole other month before I get any return. That was really upsetting. However, I love the customers and the fact that I get to hang out fussing with backpacking gear all day. I guess Philmont has just spoiled me...a lot.

I have been making time each week to go for walks or bike rides out into the country and that has really been helping me cope. Everything over here is still green and every now and then we get a sunny day. Those are my favorite. I love that public fields over here have cows and horses in them who just let you walk right past them, I mean literally, within inches of them. There are always people out with their families and their dogs (people over here don't use leashes b/c their animals are just that well trained). Also, today I spent my daytime studies sitting out in our backyard just enjoying feeling the sunlight on me. It was great. The evening has been spent having an essay writing party with one of my classmates Cameron. He is in the same John Rawls tutorial as I am and we like to stress out over it together. Although he deals with his stress by bouncing his leg and stomping his sandals about and I deal with mine by glowering at an empty screen and drinking at least 8 glasses of water (at least I am hydrated eh?)But then, by the time I am ready to write I am running to the bathroom every 5 minutes. But somehow we make it through.

Other than that I have not been up to much b/c I am trying to save money for my Thanksgiving trip. If any of you feel up to it you should download a program off the internet called skype. It is free and easy to do and then we can talk for free. I have also bought a web cam so you can see me! All you have to do is get a microphone. You should think about it.

Okay, well, I am heading off to bed now.

UPDATE: I just made some delicious tuna casserole. Thanks mom!!!!

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